You ARE the Big Piece of Chicken

Aug 22, 2024

The much anticipated second part of the celebrated blog post I Deserve the Big Piece of Chicken is finally here! And not a moment to late. For this post I want to focus the title of deserving of the big piece of chicken on Black womxn. The need to uplift Black womxn in our current societal climate is imminent and necessary. The concept of being worthy of what is valuable, treasured, and coveted is a foreign concept to many, especially as it pertains to Black womxn[1]. Black womxn are often the backbone of the family, the community, the workplace, and the church; and have been so forever.

They are seen as the “rock” while simultaneously not seen for their vulnerability and need for grace, rest, and softness. The vocalized and silent assumptions that Black women will “handle it”, “take care of it", and thus “save us all” is a ridiculous cultural burden that has caused resentment and burnout for generations. It’s is no wonder there is a stereotype of the angry Black womxn. But the reality is, they have every right to be angry. Angry for how they are treated, ignored, and unappreciated. And unfortunately, that sentiment holds no prejudice if you lives at any of the intersections like being Black and female bodied….Black womxn and thick…Black womxn and queer…etc,etc,etc. 

Even the pressure to make sure this blog post comes out in a reasonable amount of time feels like a portion of the added stress of trying to exist in a culture that privileges productivity that produces some sort of product while also diminishing the need for rest and space for ingenuity. That within itself is a perpetuation of white supremacy culture that is internal chatter an external reality.

Furthermore, the recent murmurs around what celebrities wore to the Essence Fest[1]to the situation around Carlee Russell to recent celebrity attacks on the authenticity of women of trans experience[2]all feel like a new resurgence of policing of Black womxn. If it’s not the fight for the right to wear your hair however you wish through the Crown Act[3], to the freedom to just exist while being fully yourself, is a growing attack on the personhood of Black womxn.

It is because of all that is hovering around the humanity of our Blackness and out existence that now is definitely the time to magnify the fact that YOU…yes, YOU Black womxn, deserve the BIG PIECE OF CHICKEN. And the question then to be answered is what is the metaphorical big piece of chicken? As a side note, even though I am speaking metaphorically, you should also feel comfortable taking that crispy juicy big piece of yard bird as the desired meal you are worthy of, if that’s your prerogative!  




 But what if the big piece of chicken wasn’t food at all. What if it wasn’t a coveted prize or external reward of any kind. What if the gift of the big piece of chicken was actually you. What I am suggesting is that in a world where your humanity and existence aren’t readily uplifted, deserving the big piece of chicken means you deserve to celebrate yourself for yourself in an unending plethora of ways. In an effort to not sound corny, you are the reward and affirmation that you so deeply deserve AND the one you have been waiting for. The idea of loving yourself in a way that makes outside adoration not necessary (welcomed but not required) is the real prize and needed caveat to making it in this society.

Black womxn, you have to learn to be comfortable in all three roles…the giver, the gift, and the gifted. The time has ended for waiting for a seat at the table, a charming royal rescue, or a Powerball win to live into your dreams. By reshaping the narrative to make you the main character who understands deeply your own value and worth and willingness to provide it for yourself, frees you up mentally and emotionally to exist in a space of liberation not dictated by the whims of other people.

Giving yourself permission to yield to your own desires, pleasures, and needs IS the big piece of chicken. Have the fortitude and grace to be the giver of your own gift and the receiver of your own intentional care. Be the life of your own party and the cheerleader of your own journey. Stop waiting to use the good dishes, buy the special gift, or have the wildest adventure. Doing so is an act of resistance and self love at the same time.

Use your affirmation of self as an invitation to move with ease, intention, and love in the face of patriarchy, racism, sexism, bigotry, and all that would seek to dim your light.

Train your body to nap and slow down. Use your voice to speak your truth and needs. Empower your mind to release. And truly envision the ideal that you deserve to be adored, treasured, and uplifted by the one who knows you the best, YOU! You are a gift to so many...and now it’s time to ensure you are an even bigger treasure to your damn self! YOU ARE THE BIG PIECE OF CHICKEN!

[1]The term womxn is not original to me. Although it has been in usage since the 1970s, it was activist Ebony Miranda who made it applicable for mainstream usage. It is a inclusive term that patriarchy and sexim, while simultaneously affirming trans women and non-binary people.




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